What is an abstract?

Real Estate Abstracts 101

An abstract of a title is a record of the title history, including liens, transfers, and legal actions that the property is connected to. This is used to show a purchaser that the title of the property is free and clear of any encumbrances. A clean title is much more attractive to a buyer than one that has liens and judgments against it. As a seller, it allows you to prove to your real estate agent and any buyer that you have the right to sell the property.

The abstract of title documents any outstanding code violations, back taxes owed, and outstanding liens. Having all this information is vital to the success of selling your property. It allows your property to be properly priced by your real estate agent and gives buyers a clear understanding of what they are getting into.

Contact Our Abstract Company Today!

At Laredo Title & Abstract, we provide title services to the Laredo, TX area, including abstracts of title. The abstract gives a detailed history of the transaction regarding the property. It records ownership history, liens, back taxes, and any legal actions the property is involved in. During a real estate transaction, the abstract of title will be required. Contact our abstract company today to get your abstract of title!